The other night I went to a party, and got to see a lot of people that I haven't seen for a while (I moved). It was awesome to see everyone again, and I was blown away by how many people have actually been reading this blog, and following my 12 Week Challenge progress. A lot of people had words of encouragement, as well as some really good questions and comments. The question that came up the most was about my goals, and why exactly I am doing this.

Ten weeks ago, the goal was to lose as much fat as possible in twelve weeks. Plain and simple. However, this has evolved into something much more than that. It has turned into a mission to become a healthy, happy person. I've always been the kind of person to dive into something new, and do it furiously for a while. In some cases a long while, in others, not so long.

This challenge, and the knowledge I'm gaining from it, have led me to realize that doing things in spurts is a terrible way to accomplish anything. True success is the result of sustained effort over a long time. Let's say I lose a huge amount of fat over the course of this challenge, but do it by seriously restricting my diet, avoiding social gatherings, and generally being a diet obsessed hermit. What have I accomplished? I would much rather find a way to reach my goals while still living a normal life, and enjoying time with the people I care about.

My goal now is to develop habits to this effect. Simple strategies that make losing weight, and being healthy an integral part of my life, as opposed to something exclusive that is done 12 weeks at a time. Fat loss may be slower, but who cares? This 12 Week Challenge is a "Rest of my Life Challenge" to become, in the words of Elliot Hulse, the strongest version of myself.