"Wait, what?! Three more hours?" I asked.
"Yeah, I've gotta do four hours everyday. I'm too fat, and need to lose weight." he said. I started to cry on the inside, but managed to blurt out,
"Don't you have a job?"
Where do these insane ideas come from? The more I try to learn about fitness and nutrition, the more I'm blown away by the absolutely insane information that is so readily available.
Diet is the cause that will yield 80% of the results. Once you let this sink in, you can start to take all that misplaced effort and focus it on meeting your dietary targets. This is why fat loss is so excruciatingly painful sometimes. We are hard-wired to want to do more, to make things happen faster. I'm sorry, but it doesn't work like that. The only thing that you can do more of is eating less, and being more patient. Four hours of squatting is not going the answer.
Straighten your diet out. Figure out where your energy is best used, and use it there. I hate spending time on something and getting very little in return, and I know you feel the same way. So, back to super squats. I told him about my quest to learn as much as possible about fat loss and nutrition, and that I personally have lost around 20 kg in the past three years. I asked what his diet looked like. No fried foods he said. If I had asked about his squat program I'm sure I would have gotten a run down of a fancy template designed to increase volume exponentially week by week in order to blah blah blah.....but, for diet the answer was no fried foods.
Please don't misplace your efforts. Focus on the causes that will give you the most results.
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