It's funny how quickly one month can pass by. It really doesn't feel like it's been more than two weeks, but nonetheless here we are a month later.  I'm really happy with the progress I have made in a month.  I've lost 5lbs, and shed over an inch from my waist.  The thing that makes me happiest though, is that my energy levels are still super high, my strength has continued to rise, and in general I feel really good.  This is what makes intermittent fasting so great.  On my rest days I do crave more food, but I never even come close to giving in because I know that a huge meal is only around the corner.  Those training day feasts are the best.  I've switched to from rice to sweet potatoes for my carb source, because sweet potatoes are far more filling, and tastier than rice.  Next week I will record exactly what I'm eating, and post a meal by meal outline to show you what I'm doing.  For now, I hope that you are finding some insightful information here, and want to thank you for all your support both here, and on facebook.  Thanks a ton!