There is so much information on the web that it is really overwhelming. It's so easy to get caught up second guessing yourself and wondering if what you are doing is truly the best and most efficient way.

Over the last three weeks I have been steadily losing weight, and still gaining strength. Everything is working perfectly, and I should be feeling on top of the world. But, for some reason I began convincing myself yesterday that I need to completely change my diet. I have no idea where this idea came from, but it slowly began to turn into paranoia that I'm going about this all wrong. It undoubtedly came from something I stumbled across on the internet, and slowly turned into unfounded doubt and stupidity.

While walking this morning, I cleared my head and realized that I am an idiot. Why would I ever consider changing what I'm doing, when I have had great success so far?

You really do have to be practical when it comes to this stuff.  Look at the results and the factors creating those results, as I mentioned here. If you are losing weight, or losing inches in the places you want, keep on doing what you're doing.  Block out all the noise telling you that there are other ways that are better or faster.  If what you are doing is working, and fits with your lifestyle, keep doing it!  If you have not made any progress for over two weeks, or are obviously taking steps back, change it up.  But make these changes based on your own results, not on something you read or heard.  There are thousands of ways to lose weight or gain muscle, but you have to choose one, and give it time to work.  So stop reading, and get at it!

What do you do to keep yourself on track when trying to achieve your goals? Leave a comment and let us know!  And be sure to follow my progress here, and on facebook