The jaw on that guy is something else eh? Do you think he could get a Big Mac in with one bite?  

One of the most important things I learned during the 12 Week Challenge is the power of goal setting, and in particular, the power of publicly announcing goals. It's amazing how much more focused you can be when you have clear goals, and deadlines.  I can't recommend this enough.  Imagine yourself in one year.  Where are you?  What are you doing?  What would make you happier than anything else?  Write down every answer you can think of.  After you've written them all down, order them from the most important thing that will have to greatest impact on your life, to the things that would be nice to do, but are not as essential.  Take the top five goals and write down every possible action you can take to make these things happen.  Then take these actions and make schedules and deadlines to complete them in.  If you take fifteen minutes to sit and write this down, I promise you that it will make a big difference in your, I mean, life.  

This will be a new tradition on this blog.  I would love to have other people post their goals on here as well.  Putting your goals out for everyone to see is a great way to guarantee success. Here are my goals to be accomplished by October 31st.

1. I have visible abs at a bodyweight of 75kg.
2. I can squat 115 kg for five with perfect form.
3. I can deadlift 140 kg for three with perfect form
4. I can bench 90 kg for three with perfect form.
5. I can overhead press 70 kg for one with perfect form.
6. My work capacity is good enough that I can lift weights four times a week and also sprint three times.
7. My arms are 14 inches around.
8. My legs are 22.5 inches around.
9. I have started to introduce more carbs back into my diet, and am focusing on gaining muscle while remaining lean.
10.  My ankle and hip mobility are much better, and I can sit in a deep squat for ten minutes comfortably.

To clarify, the weight lifting goals all refer to weights and reps within the Wendler 531 program that I'm doing, not just walking into the gym and hammering out three reps. That's it.  These are the three month goals that I set for myself at the end of July.  I reread them everyday, and make sure that each and every day I am taking steps to achieve them.  The interesting/frustrating thing about fitness goals is that they really can't be rushed.  The biggest factor in achieving these goals is having a well designed plan, and sticking to it without question.  Patience and persistence are a must when you are getting into shape.

So, what do you think?  Will I accomplish these goals?  I bet that simply by clicking publish on this post, I will be further along on my way.  Join in.  The comment section below is open for you to post your goals, and make things happen.  The more the merrier. I'm also really curious to see what sorts of goals people have.  If your goals are completely unrelated to fitness that's great too.  Post them anyway, and watch when in three months you've accomplished all of them!